Visit this page to see all the key dates if you want to make a nomination, you’re a nominee or one of our judges. The timeline of the process towards announcement of winners at the annual Dyslexia Awards & Celebration Evening.
Nominations Close
Nominations will close at 23:59pm on 1st June 2025
01 JunPreparing nominations for our Judges
From 2nd June - 16th June 2025 we will be processing all the nominations ready for the Judging Panels. *this date may be subject to change.
02 JunJudging Stage 1
16th June - 30th June 2025 Stage one judging
16 JunExtra Info Deadline
We will let nominees know if they are require to provide any extra information for our judges. The deadline for this information is 11th July 2025.
01 JulJudging Stage 2
Judging stage 2
11 JulFinalists Notified
19th July - 20th July all nominees will be notified via email if they have or have not been selected as a finalist.
20 JulMore info
Dyslexia Awards & Celebration Evening – winners announced tonight!
The 2025 Dyslexia Awards & Celebration Evening will take place at Mercure Telford Centre Hotel, in the centre of Telford, just off the M54 and close to Telford Central Train Station. This is an in person ticket only Black Tie (Creative) event, ALL finalists will be invited free of charge, to attend this event. The awards will be filmed by Stage & Studio Sound Services & live streamed on YouTube @DyslexiaAwards *timings may be subject to slight change.
20 SepMapDyslexia Awareness Week UK October
Today sees the start of the British Dyslexia Associations Dyslexia Awareness week in the UK. 6th -13th October 2025. #DAW25 We would love it if all our past nominees , short-listers, finalists and winners were to 'shout loud & proud' about being dyslexic, being nominated for the Dyslexia Awards and most importantly use this week as a week to get people talking positively about dyslexia and use it as a platform to continue and helping us spread the message that dyslexics have an abundance of skills, strengths and abilities to offer the world!
06 Oct