Dyslexia: Postively Unique!

Local dyslexic Becci is day one of The Dyslexic Dyslexia Consultants: Positivly Unique, Dyslexia Awareness week blogs!

Dyslexia Awareness Week 2015: Day 1

The Dyslexic Dyslexia ConsultantMonday 5th October 2015

Allow me to introduce to you the first of my seven, 2015 fabulous dyslexics!
Each dyslexia awareness week (starting last year) I intend to feature 7 of my favourite inspirational dyslexics form the past year: I ask them a set of questions (slightly adjusted depending on age and occupation) to which they provide the answers. The aim of this is that i hope you find their answers as enjoyable as i did and that you are inspired!
This year I am starting with a lovely local lady whom I have had the absolute pleasure of working with on a 1:1 basis recently:

Becci Dickens

Name: Becci (Rebecca) Dickens

Your Age (optional): 37

Where do you work: Shropshire Fire and Rescue Service

A brief description of your role/job: Shropshire Fire and Rescue Service is a public service, we help prevent fires, and also look after our community. I’m an Admin Support Officer for the Area Managers.

Location: Shrewsbury, Shropshire.

When did you find out you were dyslexic?: March 2015

How did you feel when you found out you were dyslexic?: It was a big relief, and I could understand why I had been the way I had been over the years.

What difference has it made, if any, to your life since you found out?:  I have a calmer approach to tasks assigned to me, and I can be more logical and get things done to a higher standard, and also my fellow colleagues stand by me and know I need that little bit longer to process information.

What advice would you offer to other dyslexics?: Get help it’s not anything to be ashamed of, its something to be proud of.

What do you do to relax/hobbies? I have 2 dogs whom I love to spend time with, I also have a caravan in Wales, and I am always putting myself forward for training courses.

Business website: www.shropshirefire.gov.uk 

Anything you want to add?: “I would recommend anyone who thinks they might be Dyslexic to find out and get help, it is the best thing I have ever done!”

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By Elizabeth Wilkinson

Since entering the field of dyslexia back in 2000, The Dyslexic Dyslexia Consultant - Elizabeth Wilkinson MBE, has worked with and provided support for thousands of people, including businesses, families, and educators.