Dyslexia Awareness Week 2015: Day 4
Thursday 8th October 2015.
Allow me to introduce to you to the third of my seven, 2015 fabulous dyslexics!
Each dyslexia awareness week (starting last year) I intend to feature 7 of my favourite inspirational dyslexics from the past year: I ask them a set of questions (slightly adjusted depending on age and occupation) to which they provide the answers. My aim? Well it simply to inspire and raise awareness about us dyslexics and about dyslexia!
My fourth local inspirational dyslexic is full of talent, passion and determination! and in all honesty since meeting her just over a year ago (and I’m quite sure she doesn’t realise this) that she is truly inspires me, when i think of this lady I always smile and in a exceptionally good way I am filled with calm, hope and a belief! – Thank you Lindy!

Positivly Unique!
Name: Lindy Smith
Age (optional): 51
Business name: Lindy’s Cakes Ltd
A brief description of what you/your business do/does: I am a highly creative multi-award winning cake designer. I am also a best-selling international cake decorating author, with my much anticipated fifteenth book ‘Simply Modern Wedding Cakes’ being published next spring. I have over 24 years experience within the sugarcraft industry. My passion is for design and colour which I love to share with my students and readers from around the world. My company, supplies, via it’s online shop, quality cake decorating products including my own ranges of sugarcraft cutters, cookie cutters and cake decorating stencils. My latest venture is launching myself back into the world of luxury wedding cakes, which is incredibly exciting.
Location: In the beautiful South Shropshire Hills
When did you find out you were dyslexic?: When I was growing up the word dyslexia wasn’t used as it is today. I knew that I wasn’t like other children, I found it incredibly difficult to learn to read and spelling was impossible!! At junior school I was tested and given extra help but it wasn’t until I was older that the word dyslexia was mentioned by one of my maths teachers. At the time I was extremely good at maths but my teacher, in front of the whole class, wanted to know if I still had dyslexia!!! Of course I had dyslexia, I just didn’t know the word!
How did you feel when you found out you were dyslexic?: Not at all surprised!
What difference has it made, if any, to your life since you found out you are dyslexic?: Despite all the struggles that go with being dyslexic and there are many, I see having dyslexia as a huge bonus, it’s what makes me different, what makes me stand out from the crowd, it is why I can think outside the box and have so many creative ideas. My brain doesn’t work in the same way as others, so I often have the competitive advantage. Dyslexia has made me who and what I am.
What advice would you offer to other dyslexics?: Embrace dyslexia, it makes you special. Play to all your strengths and use it to your advantage. For the tasks you find difficult or dread, ask for help or find alternative ways and remember dyslexia is nothing to do with intelligence.
What do you do to relax/hobbies?: I have a gorgeous golden retriever whom I walk everyday. I love my garden and find it the perfect way to switch off and relax. I like to read good books curled up by my log burner and ever since I was young I’ve been interested in photography.
Your website & business contact details:
Anything you want to add?: Dyslexia runs in my family, my mother and grandmother, although never tested, are/were dyslexic and my son was found to be dyslexic when he was 16. It has made a huge difference to him, he’s been given computer hardware and software to help, and most importantly, extra time in his exams. He’s currently in his third year of uni doing Chemical engineering – I’m a proud mum!