21st August 2018
Good Morning all,
This last month has me thinking!
My strategy, unlike others has been to follow a positive awareness path, I choose to avoid the doom & gloom – fire and brimstone approach!
I don’t spend my time trying to scare you all into submission and action, by telling you all you need to be making ‘reasonable adjustments’ for your dyslexic employees, by ranting about the 2010 Equality Act and scaremongering using examples of negative situations and outcomes.
Nope, that is just not the way I work: instead I use the positive, proactive, positive awareness and positive relay approach: raising positive awareness of dyslexia and SPLD (Specific Learning Difficulties) awareness, and championing folks.
Instead of brimstone & fire, I run events like Dyslexia Information Day – affectionately referred to as DiD by the army of amazing volunteers. We set good examples, and have positive role models, business owners, service providers etc, on hand to show 1st hand the positive.
Creating awareness of positive local dyslexic role models in our community, via DiD and the Dyslexia Awards, is the aim. Celebrating supportive Employers like ‘K2 The Salon’, ‘Shropshire Fire and Rescue Service’ and ‘Wellingtons n YMCA’. Shining a spotlight on the excellent educators in our county with education awards at the Dyslexia Awards
Positive steps, positive promotion and positive celebration and recognition – that builds solid positive foundations for future generations.
I am proud of what we achieve and I am exceptionally grateful to the amazing people – volunteers & sponsors – who make this happen and help me achieve positive awareness – Thank You so much, all of you!
For more information on Dyslexia information Day or the Dyslexia Awards please click the links or visit the website here.