Never forget: Knowledge is power!

Never forget: Knowledge is Power!

Whilst the majority of my work through The Dyslexic Dyslexia Consultant, is with adults, businesses and education establishments, I do also work with parents, young people and families. Over the last decade I have noticed a pattern to the times of year that I get the most harrowing calls: a pattern to the times that parents call in absolute despair about their child, the education system and their need for information, advice and generally the need to ‘let off steam’ or finally have the listening ear of someone who understands, empathises and can offer solid, proactive and clear advice & guidance. It is in my opinion, no exaggeration to say that parents and children at this point are experiencing and… Continue reading Never forget: Knowledge is power!

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Talking Pen saves the day!

Talking Pen saves the day! OK I know a pen isn’t a super hero, but did you know there is a company called Scanning Pens who makes talking pens! These pens really can make a huge difference in people’s lives. I am sure you have seen the media coverage about the Starbucks being sued for disability (dyslexia) discrimination. The young lady (Victoria) had told her employer she was dyslexic and also informed them of her needs and difficulties, has now been proved in a court of law, that Starbucks did not make reasonable adjustments for Victoria and she has won her case! A terrible situation for either to be in and on that could have so easily been avoided! I… Continue reading Talking Pen saves the day!

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100% pass rate!

Passed 100%

I am very Happy to report that yesterday I passed my Text Help Certified Trainer update exam with 100% – Yippee! For those of you who don’t already know I am a HUGE fan of Text Help’s ReadWrite programme, especially the USB mobile version, which allows me to access this fabulous software on any pc I am using and turn bad days into good productive days. Features I use range from the spell-checker that is like a super hero: with explanations of how to use the word, the context and pronunciation; to a talking calculator with an audit trail, that has turned completing my month end & yearend accounts, from stress city to a relative joy! I came across TextHelpUk… Continue reading 100% pass rate!

Dyslexia and prison!

we need change!

The System needs to change! Elizabeth Wilkinson: 23rd October 2015 Some days I truly wish I had a magic wand that I could wave, in order to change the direction & path that some people are headed. Sometimes young people make choices based on a lack of awareness, consequence and understanding of other people’s intent; choices that can have a long lasting and far reaching effects. So many of our Dyslexic/SpLD* children are raised to be happy, fine and dandy youngsters, before starting school they are raised to think positively, are faced and headed on a positive path – then we send them to school, we send them off to enter the Education System! A system that fails so many:… Continue reading Dyslexia and prison!

Dyslexia: Positively Unique!

Dyslexic & Positively Unque!

Dyslexia Awareness Week 2015: Day 7-  Sunday 11th October 2015. Each dyslexia awareness week (starting last year) I intend to feature 7 of my favourite inspirational dyslexics form the past year: I ask them a set of questions (slightly adjusted depending on age and occupation) to which they provide the answers. I hope you find their answers as interesting and enjoyable as I did, and that they inspire you as they have me! Allow me to introduce to you my 7th Positively Unique local dyslexic: A lady who has helped hundreds into education and learning, who has changed her career mid life, and has inspired and helped countless others. She is full of passion and compassion as well as empathy… Continue reading Dyslexia: Positively Unique!

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Dyslexia: Positively Unique!

Amelie Edwards Positively Unique!

Dyslexia Awareness Week 2015: Day 6 Saturday 10th October 2015. Hello and welcome the 6th day of introducing seven of my 2015 fabulous dyslexics! Each dyslexia awareness week (starting last year) I intend to feature 7 of my favourite inspirational dyslexics from the past year: I ask them a set of questions (slightly adjusted depending on age and occupation) to which they provide the answers. My aim? Well it is simply to inspire and raise awareness about us dyslexics and about dyslexia! So with no further ado, allow me to introduce my sixth local inspirational dyslexic: this inspirational young lady used to be a Dyslexia Information Day Young Volunteer, she inspired & offered help and advice to lots of youngsters.… Continue reading Dyslexia: Positively Unique!

Dyslexia: Positively Unique!

Ian Reynolds: Positivly Unique!

Dyslexia Awareness Week 2015: Day 5 Friday 9th October 2015: Hello again or for the first time, welcome to my 5th day of introducing you to seven of my 2015 fabulous dyslexics! Each dyslexia awareness week (starting last year) I intend to feature 7 of my favourite inspirational dyslexics from the past year: I ask them a set of questions (slightly adjusted depending on age and occupation) to which they provide the answers. My aim? Well it simply to inspire and raise awareness about us dyslexics and about dyslexia! And so today brings me to my fifth local inspirational dyslexic: again my chosen person is full of talent, passion and is vocal in the face of injustice! It is my… Continue reading Dyslexia: Positively Unique!

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Dyslexia: Positively Unique!

Lindy Smith Positivly Unique!

Dyslexia Awareness Week 2015: Day 4 Thursday 8th October 2015. Allow me to introduce to you to the third of my seven, 2015 fabulous dyslexics! Each dyslexia awareness week (starting last year) I intend to feature 7 of my favourite inspirational dyslexics from the past year: I ask them a set of questions (slightly adjusted depending on age and occupation) to which they provide the answers. My aim? Well it simply to inspire and raise awareness about us dyslexics and about dyslexia! My fourth local inspirational dyslexic is full of talent, passion and determination! and in all honesty since meeting her just over a year ago (and I’m quite sure she doesn’t realise this) that she is truly inspires me,… Continue reading Dyslexia: Positively Unique!

Dyslexia: Positively Unique!

Ben Deakin CEO Enabling Solutions Stafford

Dyslexia Awareness Week 2015: Day 3 Allow me to introduce to you to the third of my seven, 2015 fabulous dyslexics! Wednesday 7th October 2015 Each dyslexia awareness week (starting last year) I intend to feature 7 of my favourite inspirational dyslexics form the past year: I ask them a set of questions (slightly adjusted depending on age and occupation) to which they provide the answers. My aim is that they inspire you and give you some insight into the world of dyslexics and dyslexia! The third of my lovely local inspirational dyslexics is a gentleman who is determind, passionate, filled with empathy, understanding and a determination to break down barriers and make the world a better place: Name: Ben… Continue reading Dyslexia: Positively Unique!

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